Where Can I Get CompTIA A+ Certified?

You may take a CompTIA Certification Exam either online or in-person. Online testing offers you the ease and convenience to test for your certification from any quiet, distraction-free and secure location at anytime. CompTIA In-person Testing provides you with testing options at any of the thousands of Pearson VUE test centers located around the world.

Online testing

Online testing offers you the ease and convenience to test for your certification from any quiet, distraction-free and secure location at anytime.

Choose online testing if you want:

  • A secure and easy way to test from home, a closed-door office or any place that has a private area available to you
  • The flexibility to schedule your exam at any hour convenient to you
  • Technical support if something goes wrong during your exam session

For online testing, you’ll need a:

  • Quiet, enclosed, private location
  • Reliable device that meets system requirements and has a webcam
  • Strong, consistent internet connection with a minimum speed of 1 Mbps down/up

Find out how to take a test online

In-person testing

CompTIA In-person Testing provides you with testing options at any of the thousands of Pearson VUE test centers located around the world.

Choose in-person testing if you:

  • Don’t have access to a private, distraction-free location
  • Don’t have reliable Internet access
  • Have limited understanding of written and spoken English or other language barriers

Find out how to take a test in-person

Other Important Information

CompTIA has a number of testing policies that you’ll need to sign prior to taking your certification exam. Make sure to read through all the policies beforehand. This includes a candidate agreement, candidate ID policy, the certification retake policy and our continuing education policies.

Ready for a Career in IT?

CompTIA A+ is the preferred qualifying credential for technical support and IT operational roles and will help you launch your IT career – it's about much more than PC repair. Click here to learn more about CompTIA A+ and how it can help you get started.

We’ve made it easy to get started planning your path in IT. Begin by reading up on the four important steps toward your certification. Learn everything you need to know about the CompTIA A+ certification, and download the exam objectives and practice test questions to start learning right away.

CompTIA now offers a set of comprehensive learning resources that include books, eLearning, labs and exam prep software. These resources are developed in house by CompTIA, based on feedback we hear from learners like you. Learn more about the exam training options for CompTIA A+ that have been developed to fit your particular learning style and schedule, many of which may be used in combination with each other as you prepare for your exam.

There’s a wealth of information to take you from deciding if CompTIA A+ is right for you, all the way to taking your exam. We’re with you every step of the way!