The New CompTIA A+: Exam Domain Updates

CompTIA A+-certified professionals are proven problem solvers. They support today’s core technologies from security to networking to virtualization and more. CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for launching IT careers into today’s digital world. The new CompTIA A+ Core Series (220-1101) and (220-1102) includes the following updates to align to the needs of today’s IT support technician.

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Mobile Devices

  • CompTIA A+-certified individuals can successfully install and configure components of mobile devices.
  • Device networking mobile device application support are covered to ensure seamless connectivity for end users.


  • Networking hardware, as well as the ports and protocols commonly used in connecting endpoints, are assessed by CompTIA A+.
  • Because CompTIA A+-certified techs often have to configure advanced consumer networks and set up small office environments, the basics of IP addressing, network configurations and networking tools are all included.


  • Properly functioning devices are critical to business productivity. CompTIA A+ validates crucial entry-level skills that ensure devices work properly.
  • Cables, printers, memory, storage and processors are covered so techs can configure and troubleshoot almost anything.
  • With an increasingly remote workforce, broad knowledge about different devices is becoming more important, so that techs can fix them on site.

Virtualization and Cloud

  • The move to work from home and hybrid workforces has increased the reliance on the cloud. CompTIA A+-certified individuals understand cloud models, virtual desktops and client-side virtualization.

Operating Systems

  • CompTIA A+ validates hands-on technical knowledge of today’s modern operating system. Whether it is troubleshooting using a command-line in Windows, navigating between Android systems, performing backups in macOS or working in Linux, CompTIA A+ covers the essentials.
  • Windows 10, Windows 11, macOS, Chrome OS, Android and Linux OS are covered, including system configurations, imaging and troubleshooting.


  • CompTIA A+ validates malware removal, ensures understanding of common social engineering vulnerabilities and tests common security knowledge across a wide range of systems.
  • CompTIA A+ goes in-depth on applying security settings and remediating vulnerabilities on compromised devices.
  • Critical security concepts introduce individuals to the most in-demand areas of IT and prepare them for more advanced job roles in cybersecurity and networking.
  • CompTIA A+-certified personnel can securely configure SoHo networks and end-user systems and devices.


  • Software means more than just installing programs, it’s making sure that the programs and systems we rely on work. CompTIA A+ validates troubleshooting common OS, malware and security issues.


  • Most times, Tier I support will be the first – or only – personal interaction that customers have with a business. CompTIA A+ assesses soft skills, so that individuals understand how to professionally interact with customers.

Ready to become a proven problem solver? Download the exam objectives for the new CompTIA A+ (220-1101) and (220-1102) to begin studying now.

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